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Freedom Riders Motorcycle Association

Freedom Riders Motorcycle Association of Northern Ontario, Inc. – A Sudbury, Ontario motorcycle club that welcomes anyone who loves riding.


Based in Sudbury, Ontario, the Freedom Riders Motorcycle Association of Northern Ontario, Inc. is a not-for-profit motorcycle riding club composed of individual members without regard to brand, gender, age, occupation or experience level. The club builds camaraderie through regular meetings, rides and social activities as well as participation in certain community activities. Surplus funds are donated to local childrens charitable causes.

We are members of the Ontario Road Riders Association and Action Sudbury.

The aims and objectives of the Freedom Riders are:

To foster and develop improved community understanding and awareness of motorcycles and operators by actively supporting charities, by providing services and/or monies and by instigating motorcycle safety through public awareness programs.

To foster and promote motorcycle safety and responsible riding practices in the motorcycle community.

To promote and develop friendship and understanding among all motorcyclists.

To promote legislation affecting motorcycles generally and to oppose or support, as the case may be, any contemplated legislation by provincial, municipal or other authorities in so far as same may affect the motorcycle community.

To endeavor to achieve a closer relationship and better understanding between motorcycle owners/operators and law enforcement officers with a goal to identifying and solving problems of mutual concern.

General Membership Meetings

General Membership Meetings are held monthly throughout the year. Meetings are generally held the Second Sunday of very month, although exceptions are made for Mother’s Day and Thanksgiving. Prospective members and guests are welcome!

Club Rides

The Club gets out for many rides during the season. These can include evening rides, day rides and weekend runs. There is no formal schedule for the others, but notifications are sent to members via Email informing them of upcoming rides. Guests are always welcome.

One new innovation has been the President’s Ride. The first few years, it was a three day organized ride to somewhere in Ontario. In 2014, the club looked further afield and 42 members made a nine day trek to the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. Now, the format varies from year to year but it continues to be an annual adventure.

Monthly Suppers

The club gathers most months, usually about half way between membership meetings, for a supper get together. The venue changes from month to month and is decided at the preceding membership meeting.

Charity Rides

The club supports various charitable rides in support of worthwhile causes.

Club Parties

The club members hold parties to celebrate Halloween and Christmas. Because of all the activities and stress prior to Christmas, the Kris Kringle is held in the latter part of January because we believe that, after the holiday rush is over, people just want to kick back and have fun.

We also host the traditional Club Bash in the summer. This is restricted to Freedom Riders and their immediate families.

Other Rallies

The Freedom Riders participate in and support other motorcycle rallies, both club events and major gatherings. Members have attended the Biker Reunion in New Liskeard, Americade in Lake George, NY and a few have been known to travel to Sturgis, Laconia, Daytona, etc.